Michael John Ashcroft #whentostop

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We are honoured to be showcasing a brand new collection and style by leading northern artist Michael Ashcroft ROI.

Widely collected for his urban paintings, particularly of Manchester, Michael’s work although not photo realist, has always had a feeling of realism to it.  Despite this heritage, his en plein air landscape paintings have had an additional freedom to them and lack the tightness of the studio cityscape paintings.  His brand new collection however is entitled #whentostop and offers an additional level of dynamism to his incredible work.

buy michael ashcroft abstract painting

Still demonstrating his exquisite treatment of light however the new collection is a wonderful selection of works and is available to view in our Wilmslow gallery now.  Do call in and view the works in person or click here for full details.

Michael Aschroft Original Manchester Painting