Blog Week 20
Last updated onNorthern Art Lounge Opening Weekend 3rd & 4th June
We are thrilled to be launching our new Northern Art Lounge on the weekend of the 3rd & 4th of June and hope that you can join us over the weekend for a glass of Champagne to celebrate.
Geoffrey Key will be our guest of honour on Sunday 4th from 12 – 2pm and a new collection of northern art will be available including original Lowry drawings and unseen Isherwood paintings which have been under wraps for over sixty years. Other artists work will also be represented including Arthur Delaney, Peter Brook, William Turner, Harold Riley and Liam Spencer to name but a few.
New from Todd White
On a more contemporary note, we have just received Todd White’s latest limited edition print in the gallery this week and it is an abosolutely fabulous blast of summer from the American artist.
From a worldwide edition of 135, we have Beach Blankets available to view in the gallery this week and to order on the website now.
New from David Renshaw
Also new in the gallery yesterday is the latest beautiful painting by currently our fastest selling artist, David Renshaw. Following Ted and Doris on the their romantic escapades, this stunning painting is both restful and romantic. In the gallery now and available to order also on the website, this is definitely a first come first served situation and we doubt it will around after the weekend. Enjoy!
New Collection from Linda Charles
For the music lovers out there, we also have a new selection of Linda Charles limited edition prints on show inspired by the likes of Elton John, Oasis and Abba along with a rare original painting from Linda as well.
Although always best viewed in the flesh, why not take a peek on the website before calling on down to view in person.